Vilnus® CARE
- Concentrated product
- High cosmetic effect (contains Glycerin-Allantoin).
- Effective cleaning power
Vilnus® F25
- Ready to use
- High cosmetic effect (contains Glycerin-Allantoin).
- Effective cleaning power
Vilnus® F50
- Ready to use
- High cosmetic effect (contains Glycerin-Allantoin).
- Effective cleaning power
- High disinfection
Vilnus® I Tech 25
- Concentrated product
- High cleaning feature
- Powerful disinfection
- Cosmetic effect (Contains Glycerin).
Vilnus® LA
- Ready to use
- High cosmetic effect (contains D-Panthenol-Glycerin).
- Effective cleaning power
- Powerful disinfection
Vilnus® LACO
- Ready to use
- Cosmetic effect (Contains glycerin)
- Effective cleaning power
- Strong disinfection
Vilnus® PURE
- Concentrated product
- lntense cosmetic effect (contains Glycerin-Lubricant complex).
- High cleaning power
Vilnus® QA
- Concentrated product
- High cosmetic effect (contains Sorbitol-Cosmetic lubricants).
- High cleaning feature
- Powerful disinfection